iOS & Desktop

Web-Design(The Weekender)

iOS & Desktop

Web-Design(The Weekender)

iOS & Desktop

Web-Design(The Weekender)

About the Restaurant

The Weekender stands as a pioneering Bhutanese restaurant and bar in the United States, proudly located in Woodside, Queens, New York. Since its inception in 2014, it has been dedicated to bringing the exquisite flavors of Bhutanese cuisine to its patrons. With a menu rich in spices, chilies, and distinctive tastes, The Weekender offers a remarkable culinary journey that captures the essence of Bhutan.

Target audience - 19-60 years old

Tools: Figma, Framer, Adobe lightroom & Photoshop, Canva.

Tools: Figma, Framer, Adobe lightroom &

Photoshop, Canva.

About the Project

You may learn more about the restaurant, as well as learn about the rates and food gallery, by using the Weekenders website. The website can be used at home, on the street, or at work.

Project Overview

The project is to design a website for a Bhutanese restaurant that will convey the atmosphere and culture of Bhutan through its design. The website will provide information about the restaurant, its menu, photo gallery, contact information, and online orders.

Design Process

Create a responsive website that showcases their menu and variety of food, a call to action that leads to their socials and to order food online.




Through a variety of techniques, including observation, task analysis, and receiving feedback, user research focuses on understanding user behavior, needs, and motivation. I used qualitative and quantitative analysis as my two research methods.

By combining the two methods, I was able to better comprehend the issues users encounter and to determine the importance of those issues based on statistical data. Using this method, I was able to generate suggestions and advise changes to enhance the user experience on the website.

Who exactly is using our product?

I developed a user persona using the information from the interview and survey to help me in my search for better solutions because it provided a greater understanding of users' objectives, motivations, and pain points.







Landing page

Menu Page

Menu Page

Menu Page

About Us Page

About Us Page

About Us Page

Gallery Page

Gallery Page

Gallery Page

Reserve & Contact Section

Reserve & Contact Section

Reserve & Contact Section




Color & Typography

Color & Typography

Color & Typography

Thank you for your time.

Thank you for your time.

Thank you for your time.

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Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me
Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me