iOS & Desktop

Industry Project - Therame

iOS & Desktop

Industry Project - Therame

iOS & Desktop

Industry Project - Therame

The Problem

Insurance companies are increasingly offering their customers access to digital care services in order to improve access to preventative care and reduce overall costs.

The Challenge

ABC health insurance provider wants to provide its customers with new digital care app in order to provide a more personalized experience and access to preventative care.

APP's Main Features

Our Features


Access & Convenience

Delivering care remotely allows mental health providers to reach more people

Mood Disorder Rates

21.4% U.S adults experience any mood disorder at some time in their lives.

Patient's Satisfaction

Patients have reported high levels of satisfaction with feeling heard, having time to ask questions, being included in decision making, and feeling their concerns were addressed through telepsychology.

Who exactly is using our product?

Meet Daphne

Daphne wants to feel prepared and have all her needs addressed during her personalized therapy session.

We utilized our research to craft a solution.


Constraints - We followed Material 3 Design System.


Home Screen

Home combines all aspects and sections the app has to offer. It will update based on your data.




Have all your concerns and needs understood before your session.


Session Prep

Home combines all aspects and sections the app has to offer. It will update based on your data.


Session Prep Notes

Add additional notes to remember all information.

key learning & next steps

Working in a cross functional team.

Communicating and assigning roles beforehand.


Incorporate our feature and integrate with the rest of the app.

Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me
Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me
Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me